Clinton Woodhouse
Clinton has over 25 years of financial risk management experience, with a focus on risk transformation and developing enterprise-wide risk management frameworks. Clinton's experience was founded in the Australian credit market, having worked as an institutional credit portfolio manager, credit strategist, credit trader, and more recently Head of Credit. Before founding Risk for Purpose, Clinton transitioned across to operational risk, leading risk transformation initiatives as Head of Enterprise-wide Risk.

About Risk for Purpose
We are a risk management consultancy focused on the key elements of organisational resilience - the enterprise-wide risk management framework, crisis management framework, business continuity framework, governance arrangements and risk culture.
Based on a wealth of corporate experience founded in risk transformation, our approach is deliberate by design and seeks to differentiate our offering as a risk consultancy. We don't oversell or seek to gold-plate your risk framework. Our approach is based on the premise that your organisation is unique and requires a solution that is 'fit-for-purpose'. We also believe that our differentiation lies in risk solutions that are 'with purpose' - this means your risk framework is only effective if it allows you to focus on the risks that really matter. So our risk solutions are free from clutter, and streamlined to provide your organisation a well articulated and informed view of your 'risk position versus your risk appetite' - the holy grail of risk management.